Employment For Members

Club Fellowship encourages members to become more independent by providing Employment Services.

Employment Services assists members in all of their work-related needs.

Club Fellowship provides assistance, guidance, and support to members.

Each member is provided with information on current employment opportunities and assistance to our members accomplish their goals. 

The Clubhouse provides a variety of employment assistance

Transitional Employment

Transitional Employment is a way for individuals, who have a history of mental illness, to be able to return to the workforce in a supported manner.

Employment Generalists create the relationships with employers in the community, to create employment positions for our members.

Members will typically work part-time 15 to 20 hours per week. Each member has the opportunity to work for the employer for six to nine months.

During the Transitional Employment period, Employment Generalists are able to go through training alongside members and assist them with any work related concern they have.

Transitional employment help build the confidence of members, as well as, giving them experience for the future.

Supported Employment

Club Fellowship assists members in securing and sustaining their current employment position and bettering their employment experience.

Clubhouse maintains a relationship with the member and their employer then determining the frequency of the support needed.

Independent Employment

Members who find employment independently also have access to all of the resources, that members who need more support need. Our more independent members have access to assistance filling out applications, creating resumes, and having transportation to interviews.

Members have access to employment workshops on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are able to learn about interview skills and other work-related trainings.