The Clubhouse Model

The clubhouse model is a well-tested, evidence-based recovery model

  • This model demonstrates that people who are afflicted with mental illness can have their symptoms improve and live productive lives working in the community.
  • The participants are called members, not patients, and the focus is on their strengths, not their illness. 
  • Work in the Clubhouse—whether it is custodial, clerical, meal preparation or reaching out to their fellow members—provides the core healing process. 

Every opportunity provided is the result of the efforts of the members and small staff, who work side by side in a unique partnership.

A Clubhouse is organized to support people living with mental illness. During the course of their participation in a Clubhouse, members gain access to opportunities to rejoin the worlds of friendships, family, employment and education, and to the services and support they may individually need to continue their recovery. A Clubhouse provides a restorative environment for people whose lives have been severely disrupted because of their mental illness, and who need the support of others who are in recovery and who believe that mental illness is treatable.